Mar 4th

Full Circle

Bykmaggard | In Uncategorized

Almost 30 years ago while I was a student at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, I had the opportunity to sit in many classes where leaders and executives from all facets of the working world would come into our classroom and share some of the knowledge they had.  I can remember soaking  in all of what was being said and thinking to myself that someday I would return to Purdue and be the one at the head of the class sharing what I had learned. 

That day occurred recently.  I had the opportunity to return to Purdue as part of the Krannert School of Managements Executive Forum.  The program brings in speakers to share “real life” experiences and to answer questions for the class.  It was a fantastic day!  The students were great.  My day started at breakfast with a group and ended with a lunch with a different group.  In between I met with other groups as well and did a 50 minute presentation to the class as a whole.   

While I hope what I shared with the members of the class left them better off, I can assure you my time with them left me better off.  I was very, very impressed with the focus, the drive and intelligence of the young people I spent the day with.  To say they are bright, enthusiastic and driven is an understatement.  I left feeling very good about “my school” and the young students they are preparing for the world.

Thanks to all of those at Purdue and the Krannert School of Management for allowing me to return and make good on the promise I made to myself almost 30 years ago.


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