Apr 25th

Thanks Coach

Bykmaggard | In Uncategorized

If you have spent some time reading the “about kent” page of this web site, you already know about my baseball career and the difficulties I had throwing a baseball.  While I know it was my personal make up that never allowed me to give up or to quit, you need encouragement along the way to get thru things when it gets really tough.

For me, one of the people who never gave up on me was my coach at Purdue, Dave Alexander.  Alex stuck with me, even we he did not have to, and for that I will be forever grateful.

This past weekend, Purdue dedicated a brand new state of the art baseball field in West Lafayette, IN.  The name of the new facility…Alexander Field.  Coach dedicated it in the name and spirit of his parents who were tremendous Purdue supporters.  But for all of us who played for Alex, we know he deserves to have his name on the stadium for all he has done for his players and the University.

Thanks coach….and remember, the older we get, the better we were!

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