Mar 8th

I truly enjoy going places to speak.  I meet so many interesting people and I really enjoy the interactions I have with people on site.  But I also get a great deal of satisfaction when days or weeks after an event I get an email from someone telling me the time we spent together made difference in their world.  Hard to put a value on that type of reward for me.

Here are just of few of the comments in emails that have shown up recently….

“I sure enjoyed your talk last Thursday.  I am sorry I did not introduce myself but I was the older gentleman at your table for lunch.  Your speech had a very good meaning and many things I want to take away for myself as a leader.”  

” I had the pleasure of hearing Kent Maggard speak at the International Convention in Cincinnati last week.  He is one of the best speakers that I have ever heard discussing leadership.  Kent’s talk was full of great information, useful take-away’s, and inspirational…I would recommend that every leader and emerging leader attend one of his presentations when they get a chance.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed Kent Maggard’s insights on leadership.  The way he shares his experiences in baseball and the business world allow him to tell and interesting story that engages and entertains.  I did not want the hour to end…”


Thanks to everyone!


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